Here are some general instructions about how to use Citation Maker.

General Instructions

General Instructions


  1. You must allow pop-ups on your browser in order to use the Citation Maker templates.
  2. You do not need to enter citation punctuation because the templates will do that for you.
  3. Not all boxes need to be filled in for each citation. Only fill in the boxes that apply to a specific source.
  4. For an Internet source, you may need to look on the site’s homepage or main page for the information necessary for a citation. The lengthy URL’s of specific articles should not be used for APA but should be used for MLA.
  5. If you have sources with no author, sorting may not integrate them properly with the other citations, so you may have to copy and paste them into their correct alphabetical locations later.
  6. If you have a source which is not included on the Source Type list, adapt your information to the closest format and fill in what applies.
  7. Be aware that your citations are NOT saved from one session to another. To save citations, copy and paste the results in the dotted box into a document, or use the options to save as a Word/Pages or Google document.