Extra Opposing Viewpoints Webinar Thursday at 12:30 PM

August 31, 2010

Please pardon the cross-posting. 

Last week Gale had two technology glitches during the Opposing Viewpoints in Context (OVIC) webinars that they hosted for Oregon users.  As a result, one webinar was canceled, and Gale was not able to record a session as requested.  In response, Gale is offering a make-up webinar, if you will, on Thursday, September 2nd at 12:30 pm PDT.  It is open to anyone in Oregon, not just those who were part of the session that got canceled.  After that, the next OVIC webinars for Oregon users will be on October 12th and 13th.  

For information on how to join a webinar for Oregon users, read this PDF:  http://galesupport.com/oregonacad/onsitetrain.pdf.  You do not have to register, but you might want to log in ahead of time to make sure your computer will work with the software.  [This paragraph was not included in the orginal email.]

Other options for training are webinars offered at the national level and self-study.  Gale has three tutorials posted for Opposing Viewpoints in Context and three for Student Resources in Context, formerly called Student Resource Centerhttp://www.gale.cengage.com/guidedtour/index.htm  From their national training calendar, I see that there are SRIC sessions on September 3rd and 13th and OVIC sessions on September 3rd and 16thhttp://support.gale.com/gale/index.html (Click on the orange bubble called Training Calendar.)  National webinars are free, but you have to register ahead of time and be mindful of time zones.  To register, click on the relevant session listed on Gale’s national training calendar, and click on the Register button at the bottom of the Event Detail screen that pops up.  


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Library Development
Oregon State Library
250 Winter Street NE
Salem, OR  97301-3950