Checking the Status of the OSLIS Server

January 12, 2010


This is a good time for a reminder that if you cannot access OSLIS, you can get a quick status update about the site by going to  Checking the link can be especially useful if you are wondering if the problem is on your side of things or is a bigger issue.

As soon as we know there is a problem with OSLIS, we try to update the status on Google sites.  This morning Darci noted that the server was down and that we were working on a fix.  Now there’s a note, with the date and time, that says the server is back online. 

Just one more way to keep in the loop.  Of course, I’ll continue to use the listservs for announcements about technical issues with OSLIS.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Library Development
Oregon State Library
250 Winter Street NE
Salem, OR  97301-3950