March 29, 2016

Gale Phasing Out My Account Feature in InfoTrac Products


Through Gale’s InfoTrac products*, users have the opportunity to create a personalized Gale account to store articles and more, but Gale plans to phase out Gale My Accounts. The feature is different from the new-ish option to save Gale content to Google Drive or Classroom. If you never set up a Gale My Account, you can ignore this message. If you have an account, please read on.

Screenshot of Gale My Account

Gale will start phasing out the Gale My Account feature as of April 28, 2016:

  • New accounts may no longer be created.
  • Existing users will be able to access their Saved Documents via My Account: My Folder until summer 2016.
  • Users who wish to create search alerts will need to use the Create Search Alert function on search results pages, which will prompt for an email address. Existing search alerts will remain untouched.
  • New searches can no longer be saved, but existing Saved Searches will be accessible until summer 2016. A specific summer date will be announced later.

The information I shared is from the spring InfoTrac product update.

To summarize, if you have a personal Gale My Account, stop using it and move saved content and searches before the start of summer, or you will lose the information.

Questions? Please ask. Also, please share this information with staff in your school or district.


* Databases in the InfoTrac family include InfoTrac Student, InfoTrac Newsstand, Informe, Academic OneFile, General OneFile, and more.

Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Oregon State Library

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