Geolocation Now Live on OSLIS: Easier Access to Gale Databases

January 7, 2019

Update on 3/27/20:
Gale staff wanted to make the geolocation page more accessible. As part of the update, they changed some of the colors on the page. Nothing about the process to access the Gale databases changed. I added a screenshot of the new geolocation page below. Thanks, Jen


The previous minor issues have been resolved, and geolocation is now live as way to access the Gale databases from OSLIS. If you encounter a problem with geolocation, please report it to me.

As a reminder, geolocation helps people who are using the Gale databases on OSLIS when away from school. The best authentication option for accessing the databases when at school is to register your school’s or district’s external, static IP addresses with Gale. The process is easy, and details are in the email below. Not sure what your IP addresses are? Your IT staff will know. 

Questions? Please ask.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
State Library of Oregon


Post from December 11, 2018


In the late afternoon on Wednesday, December 19th, we will go live with geolocation for easier access to the Gale databases. Please alert students and staff to the pending change

What is Geolocation?
Geolocation is the ability to determine the geographical location of an Internet-connected device. In the case of OSLIS, geolocation will let Gale know whether or not a potential database user is in Oregon, and if yes, there will be additional access options. Ultimately, someone who forgets their Gale login will still be able to access the Gale databases. No information that identifies the individual can be detected, and cookies will only last two days.    

How Will Geolocation Work on OSLIS?
Right now if Marie wants to access the Gale databases on OSLIS (elementarysecondary) when away from school, she has to enter her Gale username and password. If she does not know the login, she is out of luck. Once geolocation goes live, Gale will be able to detect the location of Marie’s device. If Gale detects that Marie’s device is in Oregon, a screen with three login options will appear: log in as usual, select your school district from a drop-down menu, or select your private school from a drop-down menu. See the screenshot below

The purpose of making the user choose his or her school district or private school is so that usage statistics can still get credited to the proper institution. A cookie will be added once the user makes a choice, but it will expire in two days. 

If the user is not in Oregon, like if Marie is visiting grandparents in Washington state for the weekend, Gale will detect that and will prompt the user to select the city and county of his or her school. If the information matches, the user will get to the screen with the three login options. 

Geolocation makes it possible for students and staff who forget their Gale login to still access the Gale databases from OSLIS. The first login option will be the same as it always has been – enter your username and password. Or, users will be able to select their school district or private school from a drop-down menu that will appear after a few letters are typed.                            

Still Register IP Addresses with Gale
Geolocation is a way to help students who are using the Gale databases on OSLIS when away from school. The best authentication option for accessing the databases when at school is to register your school’s or district’s external, static IP addresses with Gale. Once your IP addresses are on file, users who are at school will get directly into the Gale databases without being prompted to log in. You can send the list of IP addresses to me, or register them yourself by filling out the form at the bottom of this page. Be sure to include your location ID, which is your Gale username.  

Questions? Please ask.  


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
State Library of Oregon

Screenshot of Updated Geolocation Screen

Screenshot of Updated Geolocation Screen



Screenshot of Original Geolocation Screen

Screenshot of geolocation screen