November 18, 2015

OSLIS Citation Maker's "Save as Google Doc" Option is Not Working

When using the secondary or elementary OSLIS Citation Maker, whether MLA or APA, there are three options for saving citations:

  • Copy the citations that appear in the dotted box, and paste where needed
  • Automatically save the citations to a document in Word or Pages
  • Automatically save the citations to a document in Google Drive

The last option, Save as Google Doc, is not working right now. Currently when you click on Save as Google Doc and sign in to Google Drive, you are asked to Confirm Action. When you click on that, it leads to an error message. The other two options work as they should.

Google is constantly making updates, and occasionally an update will break the Citation Maker connection to Google Drive. The vendor that we use to help with technical work on OSLIS is booked through November, so they will fix the problem in early December.

In the meantime, I have gotten the Save as Google Doc option to work by doing the following: sign in to Google Drive, stay signed in, open a new tab in the browser, create your citations, and then click on Save as Google Doc.

Another option is to copy the citations from the dotted box and paste them into a Google document that you open separately.

I’ll let you know when the Save to Google Doc option is working correctly.

Sorry about the inconvenience.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Oregon State Library

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